


best365官方网站登录入口教授,硕士生导师,(教育部、科技部)收入分配与现代财政学科创新引智基地研究员。主要研究领域为公共经济学(公共财政)、健康经济学、发展经济学。在Demography》、Journal of Health Economics、《Health Economics、《World Development》、《世界经济》等国内外学术期刊发表论文近20篇。担任都柏林大学圣三一学院访问研究员,德国劳动经济学研究所研究会员,爱尔兰都柏林大学教学评审专家。曾获湖北省高等学校哲学社会科学优秀成果奖、爱尔兰经济学会健康经济学最佳论文奖,欧盟委员会Erasmus Mundus奖。主持和参与多项国家自然科学与社会科学基金项目研究。担任Economics and Human Biology (SSCI)副主编。



2016-至今,中南财经政法大学 历任副教授、教授

2014-2016,都柏林大学圣三一学院,研究员 (Research Fellow


1. Adult Children's Education and Older Parents’ Chronic Illnesses in Aging China, (with Yafei Liu and James P. Smith), Demography, 2022, 59(2): 535-562.

2. 高楠、马媛媛*、何青:《融资需求、信贷约束与经济诈骗》,《世界经济》2022年第4期第134-161页。

3. Enforcing Government Policies: The Role of State-Owned Enterprise in China’s One Child Policy, (with Hua Cheng, Shusen Qi, and Lixin Colin Xu), World Development, 2021, 146: 105574.

4. Sex Ratios and Mental Health: Evidence from China, (with Kezhong Zhang and Fan He), Economics & Human Biology, 2021, 42:101014.

5. Free GP Care and Psychological Health: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Ireland (with Anne Nolan and James P. Smith), Journal of Health Economics, 2020, 72: 102351.

6. The Value of Education to Health: Evidence from Ireland (with Anne Nolan and James P. Smith), Economics & Human Biology, 2018, 31:14-25.

7. The Impact of Regional Economic Performance on Intergenerational Geographical Distance in China, (with Kezhong Zhang and Junpeng Wang), Population Space and Place, 2018, 24: e2901.

8. Public Healthcare Entitlements and Healthcare Utilisation among the Older Population in Ireland, (with Anne Nolan), Health Economics, 2017, 26(11):1412-1428.

9. Earnings Premium in State Jobs across Urban China, (with Patrick Paul Walsh and Liming Wang), Asian Economic Papers, 2017, 16(2):167-184.

10.  Civic Returns to Education: Voter Turnout in Ireland, The Economic and Social Review, 2017, 48(2):145-169.

11. Comment on ‘The Rise and Fall of Thailand’s Export-Oriented Industries’, Asian Economic Papers, 2017, 16(3):151-152.

12. Do We Need More Public Investment in Higher Education? Estimating the External Returns to Higher Education in China (with Wen Fan and Liming Wang, Asian EconomicPapers, 2015, 14(3):88-104.

13. Political Determinants of Intergovernmental Transfers in a Regionally Decentralized Authoritarian Regime: Evidence from China, (with Xin Wan and Kezhong Zhang), AppliedEconomics, 2015, 47(27):2803-2820.

14. Comment on ‘Towards State Capitalism in China?’, Asian Economic Papers, 2015, 14(2):176-178.

15. Why Does China’s Economy Grow So Fast? Analysis from the Perspective of Late-Development Advantage, (with Xibao Guo), East Asian Economic Review, 2010, 4:49-76.

16. 郭熙保、马媛媛:《发展经济学与中国经济发展模式》,《江海学刊》2013年第1期第72-79页。

17. 郭熙保,马媛媛:《国家规模对经济增长是否有影响》,《国外社会科学》2010年第4期第115-123页。


1. 国家自然科学基金,青年科学基金项目,2024-2026, 主持。

2. 国家社会科学基金,重大项目, 2023-2025,子课题负责人。


1. Credit Constraints and Fraud Victimization: Evidence from a Representative Chinese Household Survey(with Nan Gao and Lixin Colin Xu). VoxChina. 2021.

2. Free GP Care and Mental Health (with Anne Nolan and James P. Smith). Economic and Social Research Institute. 2020

3.Changes in Public Healthcare Entitlement and Healthcare Utilisation among the Older Population in Ireland(with Anne Nolan and Patrick Moore). TILDA, Trinity College Dublin. 2016.


副主编:Economics and Human Biology

审稿人:Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Population Economics, Health Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Economics and Human Biology, Journal of the Economics of Ageing, China Agricultural Economic Review, Applied Economics, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Agribusiness: an International Journal,《财贸研究》等。