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工作经历 Experience

2022/6-至今 中南财经政法大学,best365官方网站登录入口,教授,博士生导师

2019/12-2022/6 西南财经大学,经济与管理研究院,教授,博士生导师

2013/08-2019/12 西南财经大学,经济与管理研究院,副教授,博士生导师

2012/02-2012/07 亚洲开发银行总部,经济研究部,实习研究员

2011/01-2012/01 美国南卫理公会大学,经济系,讲师

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[1] 突破城市发展的边界:撤县设区与城市内部协同发展”(与陈方豪合作),《经济学(季刊)》20239月,23卷第5期。DOI: 10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2023.05.08

[2] 合并征管、信息获取与企业实际税负”(与田彬彬、余白雪、杨健鹏合作),《世界经济》202212月,总521期。




[6] “个人所得税减免会增加劳动供给吗?来自准自然实验的证据, ”(与吴燕、陈方豪、王宇晴合作),《管理世界》2017年第12期。

[7] 'Housing Wealth and Household Consumption in Urban China,' with Zekai He and Xiuzhen Shi, Urban Studies, 2020, 57(8),1714-1732.

[8] 'Local Education Expenditures and Educational Inequality in China,' with Jianyong Fan, Jian Huang and John G. Sessions, The Manchester School, 2023, 1– 23. https://doi.org/10.1111/manc.12435.

[9] 'Adapt by Adopting Cleaner Vehicles? Evidence from a Low-emission Zone Policy in Nanchang, China,' with Zhilong Qin and Xiaoguang Chen, China Economic Review, 2021, 201598.

[10] 'Environmental Regulation and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China's Outward FDI,' with Yan Dong and Jinhuan Tian, Finance Research Letters, 2020, 101611.

[11] 'Banking Reform and Industry Structure: Evidence from China,' with Yan Dong, Aoyang Zhang, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2019, 104, 70–84.

[12] 'When the Wind Blows: Spatial Spillover Effects of Urban Air Pollution,' with Xiaoguang Chen, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2019, 62:8, 1359-1376.

[13] 'Better Safe than Sorry? Evidence from Lanzhou's Driving Restriction Policy,' China Economic Review, 2017, 45, 1-21.


[14]基础研究投入的创新转化: 基于国家自然科学基金资助的证据”(与周骁遥、陈实合作),《经济学(季刊)》202111月,21卷第6期。

[15]'Cultural Diversity and Regional Innovation: Evidence from China,' with Mengmeng Guo and Yixiang Yu, Growth and Change, 2023, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.12704

[16] 'Tax Incentive, R&D Investment and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China,' with Binbin Tian, Baixue Yu, and Shi Chen, Journal of Asian Economics, 2020, Volume 71 101245.


[17] 'The Rising Child Penalty in China,' with Xiaoyao Zhou, Hao Li and Hongyan Yu, China Economic Review, 2022, 101869.

[18] 'Hit Hard but Recover Slowly: The Asymmetric Effects of Social Distancing Policies on the US Labor Market,' with Shujie Peng, Frontiers of Economics in China, 16(4).

[19]'Human Capital Agglomeration, Institutional Barriers, and Internal Migration in China,' with Baixue Yu, Geng Niu, and Wen-wen Zhang, Growth and Change, 2022, 1-20.

[20]入学年龄对人力资本的长期影响—政策变迁带来的组群差异”(与刘佩忠合作), 第一作者,《产业经济评论》2021年第4期。

[21] 'Health Risks of Exposure to Waste Pollution: Evidence from Beijing,' with Hao Li, Huanxiu Guo, and Naqun Huang, China Economic Review, 2020 (63).

[22] 'Does Foreign Degree Pay? The Return to Foreign Education in China,' with Mengmeng Guo, Yaxin Zhang, Review of Development Economics, 2019, Volume 23, 415-434.

[23] 'How and Why do Chinese Urban Primary School Students Outperform their Rural Counterparts?,' with Guochang Zhao, Zhengyang Li, and Sen Xue, China Economic Review, 2017, 45, 103-123.

[24] 'Migrate to Skilled Cities: Human Capital Agglomeration and Urban-to-urban Migration in China,' with Xiaokai Wu and Jijun Tan, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2016, 52:8, 1762-1774.

[25] 'Location Preference in Migration Decision: Evidence from 2013 China Household Finance Survey,' with Xiaokai Wu, The Chinese Economy, 2016, 49:5, 359-373.

主持\参与课题 Grants





5.全国教育科学规划“十三五”规划-创新中非高等教育合作模式,助力非洲减贫发展推进策略研究, 参与,已结题,2020


7.中央高校本科生教育教学改革专项-课程思政:经济与管理学科前沿 2020,主持,已结题。

8.中央高校本科生教育教学改革专项-来华留学英语授课品牌课程:经济与管理学科前沿 2019,主持,已结题。

9.成都市哲学社会科学规划项目(重点项目)-成都市城市功能转型发展思路与路径,项目编号2019A10, 参与,已结题,2019

10.中央高校本科生教育教学改革专项-来华留学英语授课品牌课程:经济与管理学科前沿 2019,主持,已结题。

11.国家自然科学基金项目-我国留守儿童健康:现状、成因与影响机制-基于异方差限定估计方法和面板数据的实证分析, 批准号714032202014-2017,主持,已结题。

12.中央高校基本科研年度培育项目-中国个人所得税制度再分配效应评估及其微观机制探究 2017,主持,已结题。


14.中央高校基本业务创新团队-一带一路”国家投资风险与预警机制研究团队,项目编号JBK170506, 参与,已结题,2017

15.中央高校本科生教育教学改革专项-小班化教学:劳动经济学 2016,主持,已结题。

荣誉奖项 Honors and Awards

1.第九届中国财政学论坛 一等奖 2023

2.“香樟财政学论坛”优秀论文 二等奖 2023

3.第七届中国劳动经济学者论坛年会 优秀论文奖 2023

4.武汉市第十八次社会科学优秀成果奖优秀提名奖 2022

5.中国技术经济学会 优秀论文奖 2020